Businesses tend to operate on a smaller scale without using digital marketing

Since the pandemic, there has been an emphasis on the necessity of online marketing for all businesses that want to succeed.

The benefits of Digital Marketing:

  • Being able to interact with potential customers and know exactly what they want. More.
  • The ability to reach customers with no geographical boundaries.
  • Targeting the right audience – personalisation.
  • Track and monitor progress and respond effectively.

(Across 2020-2021, there was a 14% growth rate in digital marketing budget spending across businesses, rates are still expected to rise in the coming years) Source.

Should my business use social media?

Social media has become popular due to its low-cost and channel for businesses to share and promote themselves online.

Depending on your business field, the content you produce should be tailored to interest the desired audience your business wants to promote.

For example, one client, HelloGuest, a holiday letting management company, uses social media to their advantage to market hundreds of properties they manage every month. When asked, Toby commented, “When managing properties to boost their occupancy rates, we found that using booking channels alone was insufficient. When targeting users on social media, we found that we could entice them for a mini break, even if they weren’t searching for one. Social media, in this aspect, has been very helpful in helping us boost conversions for our clients.”

Here are a few examples of some businesses doing so:

Dental Business Coaching

Web Developers


Interacting with people online takes the guessing out of who your customers are – allowing your content to be more personalised and refined.

By doing this, you can begin taking your organisation to the next level – creating an experience and becoming a trusted partner to your audience.

To grow, you need to expose your brand to a bigger audience!

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